Team Leader

Amazon Pay

Education: None
Experience: 1-5 (Years)
Salary: 15000 - 30000 (Per Month)
Location: Odhisa, South & East, South & East -754104, India

Skill Set Required

Job Description

1) Manage team of 15+ Field Sales Partners (FSP) on ground 2) Oversee day-to-day teams' operation and performance 3) Do regular performance evaluation/ management of FSPs 4) Create a healthy and motivating work environment and atmosphere 5) Regularly co ordinate with ASM regarding over all project performance 6) Listen to team members’ feedback and resolve any issues or conflicts 7) Co ordinate and manage Col laterals with FSEs 8) Be your Team's coach and ensure them proper issue resolution within TAT

Job Posted By

Contact: 7701867495

About the Company

About the company Amosta is a Technology Company, Committed to Cater The Requirements of THE PEOPLE to live a Better & Happy Life in era of Internet Of Things, Futuristic Smart Cities, Connected World & Super Intelligent Ecosystem. Be it your business, your family, your organisation, your field resources, your remote assets or your workforce, everything is now a DOT on big Matrix of connected world. We Equip Businesses & Organizations with Our Well Researched Solutions to exceed their Productivity, Efficiency, ROI and Business Objectives. With key Focus on Process Automation, Internet of Things ( IOT ), Manufacturing 2.0, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Data Analysis & Smart Living, Amosta is firm to bring solutions to make this place a happier place to live. With Following Verticals, we empower the people to succeed in upcoming CONNECTED WORLD !! Hum Hai is an initiative of the Amosta Group to create a platform for all opportunities that can be provided under one roof. This platform provides job seekers to find their preferred jobs at the same time job providers the right candidates. It provides self-employment opportunities to future business owners by not only giving them business ideas but also hand-holding them to achieve their financial goals. It also provides a platform for expression to artists, authors, and creative aspirants. Hum Hai invites professionals from all walk of life to register on our platform and get benefitted by our exposure. Catering Opportunities Pan India

South & East, South & East, Odhisa-754104, India

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